
  1. Unless otherwise stated, all matches shall be played in compliance with the “Laws of the Sport of Bowls”.
  2. The dates, time and venues for games are set by the Sables Competition Secretary. Under no circumstances will there be any alteration to the prescribed times and dates of the District Championships other than by the Competition Secretary.
  3. Declaration Forms will be completed with every tournament except for Singles and must be submitted to the Competitions secretary as soon as possible after the completion of play.
  4. Score cards must be completed showing the FULL NAMES of ALL Players with their BSA Number. Incomplete score cards will result in a penalty of 5 shots being deducted from the score.
  5. Names and BSA numbers of all team members plus reserve/s as allowed in 8 below shall be recorded on the declaration form, which must be signed by either the Skips or players in a singles game. The declaration form(s) shall be submitted to the District Competition Secretary together with the score cards as soon as possible after completion of play.
  6. A SINGLE reserve will be permitted for the fours, trips and pairs. In the Mixed Championships a reserve or reserves of each gender may be registered.

Format Of Play

  1. All competitions will be played on a round robin basis per section and thereafter on a knockout basis.
  2. The format of each tournament will be decided and communicated as part of the invitation to enter.


  1. In a Singles game the first player to score 21 shots shall be declared the winner.
  2. The scoring of all other tournaments/formats will be determined by the format of play and will be determined and communicated as part of the invitation to enter.
  3. At the completion of the Round Robin stage the team with the most points shall be declared the winner. If points are tied the shot difference shall decide the outcome. If a tie still exists shot aggregate in the terms of Law 27.4 will apply. If uniformity still exists, then the winner of the game between the two teams shall be declared the winner.
  4. In a knockout competition when all ends have been played and the score is equal, an extra end shall be played in terms of Law 28.1 to 28.6.

Trial Ends

  1. For the Round Robin stage one trial end in one direction shall be allowed for the first game only, no trial ends for any further games, unless (d) below apply.
  2. One trial end in one direction shall be allowed for every knockout round.
  3. For Singles games one trial end per game allowed.
  4. One trial end will be allowed when the direction of play is changed or where a team changes greens.

Dead Ends


Will be replayed.


Dead Jacks (Burnt End)


The Jack will be re spotted on the centre 2 metre Mark.


Dress Code

  1. Please note that Club Shirts to be worn by the whole team, if a player or players do have   club colours the whole team to wear white shirts (Uniformity).
  2. The dress code principles as set out in pages 154 to 157 of the Laws of The Sport of Bowls – Domestic Regulations (2014) must be observed and adhered to by all players and officials.

Withdrawals, Reserves and Substitutes

  1. Should a team be unable to play in the first or any other round of the competition, the onus is on the skip to notify the Competition Secretary of his/her intention to withdraw their team. Failure to do so will be referred to the District Executive who shall have the right to take such disciplinary action as they deem is warranted in the circumstances.
  2. Where a player is obliged to withdraw for an acceptable reason, such as ill health before or during the first round of sectional or knockout play of a team competition, and a reserve has not been nominated or the reserve is not available then Law 33.2 to 33.6.2 in conjunction with Law 33.9 and 55.2.7, as well as the Domestic Regulations of play (2014, P148/149) of The Laws of the Sport of Bowls Third edition shall apply.
  3. Where the competition is staged over several days or weekends and a substitute is required on the first day or during the first weekend and no reserve has been nominated or a reserve has   been nominated but is not available, the team concerned may, within 48 hours after the completion of that days or weekends play, approach the Competition Secretary to allow the introduction of a reserve or replacement reserve. The Competition Secretary will not unreasonably refuse such a request.
  4. A team which uses a player not approved in the terms of the applicable Law(s) or replaces a player without the approval of the Competitions Secretary shall be disqualified from the Competition.
  5. A substitute may not play in the skip position.
  6. A player who participated in previous rounds of a competitions may not be considered as a reserve or a substitute.
  7. Should the originally declared player become available he/she must resume their place in the team.
  8. Where, in a Pairs or Trips game, a reserve or substitute is not available the non-defaulting team will be awarded the game.
  9. In a singles game, a player failing to arrive within 20 minutes of the starting time shall be scratched unless the Tournament Official, for good reasons, condones the late arrival.
  10. A Fours team arriving at a venue a player short and electing to play with three players shall be allowed to do so subject to Law and 2.2.2:
  11. The lead and second player of the team being one player short shall each play three bowls. The team shall also forfeit 25% of the total shots scored by them, decimals of a point count.
  12. When a lead and second play three bowls each, the following method is used irrespective of which team plays first.


Normal Team “A”

Broken Team “B”



1st bowl



1st bowl



2nd bowl



2nd bowl



1st bowl



3rd bowl



2nd bowl



1st bowl



1st bowl



2nd bowl



2nd bowl



3rd bowl



1st bowl



1st bowl



2nd bowl



2nd bowl



  1. Players are required to adhere to the following Laws of the Sport of Bowls:

    Laws 7 and 8

    Position on the mat and foot-faulting

    Law 13

    Possession of the rink

    Law 12

    Position of players

    Law 40

    Players’ Duties: The Skips may transfer their duties (scorecards etc.) described in law 40.1 to other members of the team.

  2. Umpires are required, of their own accord, to pay special attention to any infringement of the above-mentioned laws, take the appropriate action and not wait until the opposition players lodge a complaint.
  3. Note: The Umpire’s Duties Law 43.2.5 Includes “The Umpire Should Make Sure That All Aspects of Play Are in Line with the Laws of the Sport of Bowls”. 

Restriction Of Movement

  1. Leads may not approach the head. Seconds in a Trips game and Thirds in a Fours game if invited to by their Skip and approved by the opposing Skip may be allowed to visit the head before playing their last bowl. Skips are allowed to visit the head before playing their last bowl.
  2. Players should proceed to the mat simultaneously to play their first bowl and thereafter may visit the head as stipulated in the conditions of play.
  3. A player, including the Skip, who remains in the head (before playing their first bowl), will be contravening the conditions of play.

Consumption Of Alcohol

  1. The consumption by any players, manager, or coach of alcohol during a playing session in any district organised event is totally prohibited. A playing session commences with the placing of the mat for the first bowl and is completed when the score card has been signed.
  2. Any player to be found transgressing this rule shall be reported to his\her club who will duly deal with the transgression and notify the Executive of such outcome. In the event of a further transgression taking place, this will be reported to the Executive who will deal with it and duly notify the member’s club of the outcome.
  3. Bowls is a drug free sport and the letter and spirit of the “Prohibited Substances” must be observed in the Sables District. It is the responsibility of each player to ensure that any medication that they may take, whether prescribed by a doctor or not, is not a prohibited substance.



The staging clubs are duty bound to provide a Tournament Official and an Umpire to act on the day. If no Umpire is available, the Technical Standing Committee should be approached to assist in obtaining the services of an Umpire. If no umpire is available a player from another rink may be asked to measure and their decision shall be final.


Inclement Weather

  1. The club hosting a District Championship must ensure that they have an active method of monitoring the situation regarding lightning, either a meter or constant access to an appropriate app. This role may be delegated to the umpire on duty. The responsibility for the safety of the Players remains the responsibility of the Tournament official.
  2. Play should be suspended when the reading is 15 kms or less or after an appeal has been made by the players.
  3. All players should leave the green immediately and proceed to a sheltered area and not remain in the open. Remember lightning moves faster than thunder and travels along the ground which is a conductor for electricity.
  4. Play may be resumed 15 minutes after a reading of more than 15 kms has been achieved.
  5. Any decision to suspend play due to waterlogged greens shall be the responsibility of the Host Greenkeeper or in his absence by the Host Tournament Official.
  6. Where a game is suspended due to weather conditions and cannot be completed the Competition Secretary will arrange extra playing time, in which case the conditions in the laws of the Sport of Bowls shall apply.
  7. In the event of inclement weather, 50% of the ends to be played + 1 end constitutes a game (e.g. over 15 ends you need to play 9 ends, over 18 ends you need to play 10 ends, over 21 ends 11 ends). In the event of the required number of ends not played, points will be shared.

Declaration Forms

  1. It is the responsibility of the Skip/Captain to ensure that all players are noted on the declaration form and if it is found that this team changed any time during the tournament without notifying the District Competitions Secretary then that team will be disqualified. The completed and signed declaration form must be handed to the Tournament official on duty.
  2. The Tournament Official must ensure all the teams’ completed and signed declarations forms are handed in and submitted along with the results to the District Competitions secretary.